Records representing the first 100 years of Sarawak’s history, previously hidden away at Oxford University’s Bodleian Library, are now freely available through our website at www.archive.brooketrust.org/DA
This resource will grow over time, and there are still many improvements and additions we hope to make. We welcome feedback from visitors to the site and suggestions for how it can be developed in the future.
Relatively little transcription has yet been done – This is a time consuming exercise, re-writing old and difficult to read letters and will take probably years before it is completed. You can help by becoming a volunteer contributor, typing up the Rajahs’ letters as you go along and submitting them to our Digital Archivist. Wherever you see a document there is a button which invites you to ‘Edit a transcript’ – through this you may submit a transcript to us, or you may prefer to do this through email or through the ‘My Notes’ tab. We very much look forward to hearing all of your feedback!
We would also like to offer heartfelt thanks to Martin Laverty, our volunteer Digital Archivist. It is no exaggeration to say that without his tireless efforts this Digital Archive would not have launched today - this resource is his creation. He has freely given of his time, energy and expertise for over 4 years, and his involvement continues to be a crucial factor in sharing these records with Sarawak and the wider world. Thank you Martin for all your hard work, and for setting such a fine example of volunteerism for all of us.