From humble beginnings including an inaugural 'home-grown' website built with Wordpress to the current professionally-designed version, it is difficult to put words to just how far we have travelled to where we are today as a charitable organisation.
We are thankful that in the era of instantaneous social media, our audience have been able to share our journey and achievements. But now it's time to do another refresh of our site to do justice to showcasing just how much has been achieved in the last 3 years.
We have taken a huge leap, from being a small UK charity endeavouring to achieve big goals with limited resources, to a charity supported by a large network of volunteers who share our vision to inform, enrich, inspire, and sponsors who want to invest in a sustainable future for our work in fostering responsible care of our communities. We have been able to achieve all this with no permanent endowment, a lot of hard work and a phenomenal amount of goodwill from all quarters.
Our new website will have new features which allows us to show you the extent of what this commitment and goodwill have realised. So please do stay tuned - we are just putting the finishing touches and we will soon unveil the new look!